
Gorbel CEO Brian Reh appointed as VP to MHI’s board

Leading association for handling, supply chain, and logistics appoints Gorbel CEO to help shape its strategic vision

Brian Reh, CEO of Gorbel, serves as VP on MHI’s Board of Governors.
Leading association for handling, supply chain, and logistics appoints Gorbel CEO to help shape its strategic vision

Gorbel Inc., a leader in overhead material handling, ergonomic lifting, and industrial fall protection, has announced that Gorbel CEO Brian Reh has recently been elected to serve as Vice President of MHI, the nation’s largest material handling, supply chain, and logistics organization. In this role on MHI’s Board of Governors, Reh will be part of solidifying the organization as the authoritative resource for material handling. 

Reh has been involved at MHI in various capacities for more than 15 years and has been a key participant in recent initiatives to set direction for the organization. Reh and Gorbel are key members of MHI industry groups that focus on overhead lifting and ergonomics. MHI members produce products and solutions ranging from mobile automation to storage equipment.

MHI has a commitment to building supply chains that make the world work. To achieve this, the association delivers up-to-date knowledge, close professional connections, and top industry leadership, alongside the best market access for manufacturing and supply chain professionals.

“MHI and Gorbel share a commitment to sustaining the invisible force that connects everything, that is, supply chains,” said Reh. “Even in times of disruption, it is crucial that these supply chains run smoothly and successfully to keep critical goods flowing fast and freely. At MHI and Gorbel, we make sustaining supply chains our mission.”

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Brian Reh, CEO of Gorbel, serves as VP on MHI’s Board of Governors.