
Lift trucks: One-person electric scooters help large facilities pick up the pace

As a lift truck and golf cart alternative, scooters reduce walking time and improve productivity.

As a lift truck and golf cart alternative, scooters reduce walking time and improve productivity.

SubTropolis, a man-made limestone cave in Kansas City, Mo., houses 5 million square feet dedicated to 50 different tenants, including a 300,000-square-foot distribution center for Hallmark Retail, which ships gift products to hundreds of stores throughout the United States. After deploying five personal electric scooters, the company estimates workers walk 10 miles less per day across three shifts.

General manager Lona Smith says the scooters are used by employees and facility managers for everything from supervision to researching inventory issues, identifying automation production issues, transporting paperwork and moving from one place to another.

The scooter comes with the option of several accessories, including a small trailer that can haul items up to 350 pounds of total weight, a small front basket for carrying small packages or other items, and the option of a seat for those that prefer not to stand while riding.

Smith estimates that each scooter saves employees up to 10 miles per day in total walking over the course of the company’s daily three-shift operation. The scooters also eliminate the use of lift trucks, tuggers and pallet jacks for personnel movement.

“It definitely frees up employee time and equipment to do other, more meaningful functions,” says Smith.

With the average walking speed estimated at 3.1 mph, even a distance of a half a mile and back, several times a day, can eat up 4 to 5 hours per person each week in walking time. The scooters can achieve speeds up to 16 mph, and distances of 25 miles on a single charge. They fit easily through standard doorways, are extremely quiet and operate without emissions.

Mighty Lift