
AI-enhanced Pick-it-Easy order picking robots from Knapp

New at ProMatDX, KNAPP and Covariant are delivering their latest industrial grade order picking Pick-it-Easy Robot.

New at ProMatDX, KNAPP and Covariant are delivering their latest industrial grade order picking Pick-it-Easy Robot.

New at ProMatDX, KNAPP and Covariant are delivering their latest industrial grade order picking Pick-it-Easy Robot. The robot is field proven, work hardened and designed for demanding, high availability applications including retail, healthcare, grocery, healthcare and e-commerce.

Leveraging the latest AI technology, grippers, image recognition systems, software and controls, the Pick-it-Easy robot is fast, flexible, capable and modular. It can address a large range of SKUs as well as constantly changing packaging and seasonal changes. It even learns on the fly; communicating and teaching other robots on the network as they move.

“Making order picking robots work in the lab is not that hard to accomplish,” said Kevin Reader, KNAPP’s director of business development and marketing. “The difference between the industrial grade Pick-it-Easy robot and a robot just emerging from the lab, is miles apart.”