
Advanced Technology Services recognizes Manufacturing Day with infographic

Infographic depicts the major trends and concerns of the people, processes, and technology in the future of manufacturing.

Infographic depicts the major trends and concerns of the people, processes, and technology in the future of manufacturing.

To celebrate National Manufacturing Day, kicking off a month-long event to inspire the next generation of manufacturers, industrial services provider Advanced Technology Services has released an infographic.

The infographic depicts the three keys to achieving world-class maintenance in manufacturing: people, processes, and technology.

According to ATS, the right people—or the lack thereof—figures prominently as a barrier to achieving world-class maintenance. There is a skills gap that must be filled, driven by the retirement of Baby Boomers, an increased demand for products/services, and a lack of attractiveness of manufacturing careers by millennials. Next, to ensure physical and intangible processes are running smoothly, manufacturers will have to invest in new equipment with more product data management (PdM) compatibility, which will help reduce factory costs. Lastly, implementing current and future technologies will empower the factory with real time data to better drive productivity and efficiencies.

Infographic sources: 2015 Deloitte Manufacturing Institute study, “The Skills Gap in U.S. Manufacturing.”
McKinsey Global Institute.
© 2016 Advanced Technology Services, Inc.