
MHR’s HVLS fans enhance employee comfort

The fans have yielded a 10- to 12-degree temperature reduction during warmer months.

The fans have yielded a 10- to 12-degree temperature reduction during warmer months.

As the materials handling and subject matter experts in North America for GEODIS (a leading global supply chain operator), MHR recognized that high-volume, low-speed (HVLS) fan solutions are an ongoing priority for its facilities across the map.

“It’s always a necessity for us,” says Brian Davis, sales manager at MHR. “Starting with employee satisfaction and working its way outward, establishing a comfortable environment in our facilities is a must, and air quality and control plays a large part in that.”

Looking for an HVLS option that was low impact in terms of energy and cost yet high impact in performance, MHR began to talk with a HVLS manufacturer, ultimately installing its first fans in February 2016.

“Since our introduction, what we’ve found especially valuable about [the manufacturer] is the ability to work directly with their team and not have to go through a dealer,” Davis says. “Their high level of accessibility and responsiveness is really an added benefit.”

To date, more than 20 of the HVLS manufacturer’s fans have been installed in—and for—both MHR and GEODIS facilities, as the companies have also referred the manufacturer’s products to external customers for more than five projects.

With the fans, MHR’s team members have indicated an increased ability to maintain and manage optimal air temperatures in facilities with consistent, even airflow throughout their spacious warehouses. With HVLS fans typically yielding a 10- to 12-degree temperature reduction in warmer months, MHR has pointed to employee comfort and satisfaction as a primary benefit.

“A leading ROI has been straight up employee satisfaction with having a comfortable and healthy work environment,” Davis stresses. “Employee satisfaction directly relates to company growth—happy employees are more productive and reference other employees. In this way, we’ve gained back the value invested in the fans, both in the short-term and long-term.”

While exploring HVLS options, MHR indicated the leak-free, quiet direct drive motor was a compelling draw, while the ability to set the fan to spin clockwise or counter clockwise was a valuable feature that increased the fans’ functionality across seasons. When the fans’ blades rotate counter clockwise during the colder months, warm air—which has risen to the ceiling level—is circulated downward, raising temperatures on the floor by several degrees and optimizing a facility’s heating system’s performance.

“The data shows that HVLS fans more than pay for themselves in reduced energy costs, [along with] their seasonal versatility,” Davis says. “They also have a streamlined aesthetic and [a] cool style that’s a nice add-on.”

MHR also appreciated the turnkey nature of the HVLS manufacturer’s products (with limited parts and a plug-and-play design), which translated into an easy installation for workers and external customers.

“It’s been no muss, no fuss. If there ever is an issue—which are few and far between—we can rely on [the HVLS manufacturer] to fix it,” Davis adds. “Because no project goes smoothly, that reliability goes far.”

Hunter Industrial & Commercial Fans
(844) 591-3267