
JASCI Software partners with Tompkins Robotics

WMS provider JASCI will leverage Tompkins Robotics' tSort bots to enable robotic unit sortation

WMS provider JASCI will leverage Tompkins Robotics' tSort bots to deliver robotic unit sortation

JASCI Software, a leading provider of warehouse management system (WMS) and automation solutions, has announced a partnership with Tompkins Robotics to launch a new batch pick and robotic unit sortation technology that JASCI says will revolutionize the way goods are sorted and stored in warehouses.

Tompkins Robotics offers robotic automation for distribution and fulfillment operations. Tompkins Robotics’ tSort is an advanced mobile robotics technology with artificial intelligence that can sort goods. The system has been integrated with JASCI's warehouse management and robotics execution software, enabling warehouses to significantly improve their order fulfillment processes and reduce operational costs, JASCI added.

“We are thrilled to bring this groundbreaking technology to market with Tompkins Robotics, and we believe it will transform the way warehouses operate”, said Craig Wilensky, CEO of JASCI Software. “The tSort Sortation Robotics for the Warehouse will enable warehouses to significantly improve their order fulfillment processes, increase their efficiency, and reduce operational costs. We are confident that this new technology will deliver significant benefits to our customers.”

“Automation remains the number-one solution for brands and sellers to address the pressure on traditional fulfillment practices,” added Tompkins Robotics President and CEO, Mike Futch. “Our joint solution with JASCI delivers an overall improvement in speed and supply chain efficiency.”