
LLamasoft, Inc.: Supply Chain Sherpa Premium

App models, visualizes supply chain designs

App models, visualizes supply chain designs Supply Chain Sherpa Premium, a mobile supply chain modeling app, makes supply chain design and what-if scenario analysis accessible throughout an extended enterprise. The app rapidly models a complex supply chain network on an iPad, presenting instant visualization of a scenario with configurable maps and graphs. Using embedded reference data, the app displays all metrics including service, cost, logistics, sustainability and risk. The system’s algorithm permits comparison of alternative scenarios and prototypes. Offered for purchase on the Apple App Store, a related viewer can be downloaded from the same site for free. LLamasoft, 866-598-9831, [url=][/url],

Supply Chain Sherpa Premium, a mobile supply chain modeling app by LLamasoft, makes supply chain design and what-if scenario analysis accessible throughout an extended enterprise.

The app rapidly models a complex supply chain network on an iPad, presenting instant visualization of a scenario with configurable maps and graphs. Using embedded reference data, the app displays all metrics including service, cost, logistics, sustainability and risk.

The system’s algorithm permits comparison of alternative scenarios and prototypes. Offered for purchase on the Apple App Store, a related viewer can be downloaded from the same site for free.