
The Numina Group: Pick Execution voice-directed picking software

Multimodal software streamlines order picking

Pick Execution multimodal voice directed picking software combines voice picking, wireless hands-free bar code scanning, and pick-to-light in a single warehouse picking system. The speaker-independent, voice-picking technology streamlines order picking and pick validation in a single process. The system supports multiple pick-to-light display modules coupled with topVox speaker-independent voice recognition software. As a database-driven application, the system simplifies editing and maintenance while recording and time-stamping all voice-directed picking activities. For order progress tracking, an order lookup screen is included, as are pre-developed picking automation application templates for pick-to-carton, pick-to-cart and pick-to-pallet applications. The Numina Group, 630-343-2600, [url=][/url].

Pick Execution multimodal voice directed picking software by the Numina Group combines voice picking, wireless hands-free bar code scanning, and pick-to-light in a single warehouse picking system.

The speaker-independent, voice-picking technology streamlines order picking and pick validation in a single process. The system supports multiple pick-to-light display modules coupled with topVox speaker-independent voice recognition software. As a database-driven application, the system simplifies editing and maintenance while recording and time-stamping all voice-directed picking activities.

For order progress tracking, an order lookup screen is included, as are pre-developed picking automation application templates for pick-to-carton, pick-to-cart and pick-to-pallet applications.