
Landoll Corporation: Drexel SwingMast SL30, SL40 and SL50 trucks

Landoll’s goal is to provide the best solution for your material handling needs. Bendi articulating and Drexel SwingMast® Narrow Aisle and Very Narrow Aisle forklifts can provide that solution through increased utilization of space, improved productivity, greater flexibility and maximized efficiency.
1900 North Street
Marysville, Kansas, 66508
United States
1 (785) 562-4728  1 (800) 428-5655  1 (888) 321-3865 
[email protected]
Landoll Corporation Company Profile

The four-wheel Drexel SwingMast SL30, SL40 and SL50 trucks from Landoll have been converted to 100% AC technology.

Other features include a new swivel seat, single joystick control, more shift and larger side load bed to increase shift run time as well as improve operator comfort and productivity.

For a reduction in maintenance costs, the truck is constructed with totally enclosed brushless AC motors and the elimination of the hydraulic steering pump and motor.