
Applied Energy Solutions: BIT battery information transmitting device

Applied Energy Solutions is a full service building science consultation company focused on improving energy efficiency in the residential, commercial, and light industrial markets.
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Caledonia, New York, 14423
United States
1 (800) 836-2132 
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Device monitors, transmits battery performance information

Device monitors, transmits battery performance information Recently redesigned, the new BIT battery information transmitting device is faster and more efficient than the previous model. The device monitors battery performance and health, alerting users to adverse operating conditions over entire battery life. Data is transmitted with wireless radio frequency communication to an easy-to-use graphical interface that highlights patterns, identifies problems and allows data conversion to spreadsheets. Monitored parameters include voltage, ampere hours, electrolyte level, temperature and total throughput. Constructed with a rugged case, the unit resists water, impacts and electrolyte spills. Applied Energy Solutions, 800-836-2132, [url=][/url]

Recently redesigned, the new BIT battery information transmitting device by Applied Energy Solutions is faster and more efficient than the previous model.

The device monitors battery performance and health, alerting users to adverse operating conditions over entire battery life. Data is transmitted with wireless radio frequency communication to an easy-to-use graphical interface that highlights patterns, identifies problems and allows data conversion to spreadsheets.

Monitored parameters include voltage, ampere hours, electrolyte level, temperature and total throughput. Constructed with a rugged case, the unit resists water, impacts and electrolyte spills.