Dockzilla Profile

Welcome to Dockzilla, where loading docks are untethered from facilities for extreme business advantages over the permanence of concrete. This unbridled mash-up of portability, structural integrity, and pre-meditative engineering anticipates what can happen at the loading dock, so our customers can focus on what they do best. Our equipment is designed to withstand the rigors of trailer and forklift impact, yet can be easily removed or relocated to another facility when needed. It’s time to unleash your loading docks.
12400 Whitewater Dr., Suite 110
Minnetonka, Minnesota, 55343
United States
(952)-401-0127  1-855-609-2043  (952)-401-0126 


At Dockzilla Co., we view materials handling through a modern lens. One that fuels velocity at the loading dock by combining the portability of heavy-steel with the integrity of concrete. Every loading dock we build is completely removable and relocatable.

Our architecturally-sound Dockzilla® modular loading docks are on-the-job rockstars, intricately engineered to pre-meditate what can happen during loading operations, so customers don’t have to learn things the hard way.

Initially, top manufacturers deployed our team to tackle issues with their conventional loading dock design and apply critical OSHA standards and International Building Codes. Eventually, we removed the confines of concrete from this equation and introduced the Dockzilla Portable Loading Dock in 2011. This industry game-changer continues to be the only complete modular loading dock to include architectural safety requirements of conventional construction as standard.

Our loading configurations are known for high performance in the most demanding loading environments, including Ford Motor Co., FedEx, Mercedes Benz, P&G, Georgia Pacific, and Wal-mart. We now offer nearly 50 loading dock products that improve safety and loading operations at E-commerce distribution centers, railcar docks, implement dealers, automobile manufacturers, military sites, and more.

Dockzilla Co. is a privately-owned company, headquartered west of the Twin Cities in Minnetonka, MN, with manufacturing facilities across the U.S.

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