
Regal Rexnord displays new Perceptiv wireless sensor and ModSort divert and transfer module

Regal Rexnord Corporation (Booth B9002), a global leader in the engineering and manufacturing of electric motors and controls, power generation products and power transmission components, is displaying its new Perceptiv 2100 Sentry Class wireless sensor alongside its ModSort Divert and Transfer Module at Modex.

Cat Callahan, campaign manager for Regal Rexnord (booth B9002) with the company’s new Perceptiv 2100 sensor vibration and temperature monitoring sensor. The wireless sensor can be easily attached to motors and other critical equipment to monitor asset health. Up to 20 sensor nodes can connect through one gateway.
Regal Rexnord Corporation (Booth B9002), a global leader in the engineering and manufacturing of electric motors and controls, power generation products and power transmission components, is displaying its new Perceptiv 2100 Sentry Class wireless sensor alongside its ModSort Divert and Transfer Module at Modex.

Regal Rexnord Corporation (Booth B9002), a global leader in the engineering and manufacturing of electric motors and controls, power generation products and power transmission components, is displaying its new Perceptiv 2100 Sentry Class wireless sensor alongside its ModSort Divert and Transfer Module at Modex.

Visitors to the company booth can view a demonstration of the new Perceptiv 2100 wireless sensor. The sensor is adaptable for all equipment and industries, offering early detection of equipment issues that require attention before they cause costly problems. The Perceptiv 2100 features simple, wireless installation in both interior and exterior environments. Its onboard battery offers a 2- to 4-year life span and is easily replaced in the field. The sensor reports overall vibration and temperature data via the cloud for predictive maintenance, and is backed by the analysis and maintenance recommendations of the Regal Rexnord team.

Also on display is the ModSort Divert and Transfer Module. The quiet, safe, modular and scalable sorting system is capable of handling a wider range of package shapes and sizes than most other commercially available transfer stations. ModSort eliminates the mechanisms, gaps and safety hazards associated with traditional transfer and pusher stations, as well as the need for package lifting systems, resulting in a quieter system that is easier to install, use and maintain. It can easily be deployed into new or existing conveyor layouts, or placed in-line to create a reliable sorting station.

Cat Callahan, campaign manager for Regal Rexnord (booth B9002) with the company’s new Perceptiv 2100 sensor vibration and temperature monitoring sensor. The wireless sensor can be easily attached to motors and other critical equipment to monitor asset health. Up to 20 sensor nodes can connect through one gateway.