
Avidbots showcases autonomous cleaning robots

Avidbots (Booth C3871), one of the world’s leading robotics companies, will showcase its fully autonomous cleaning robots, designed for industrial and commercial spaces.

Avidbots (Booth C3871), one of the world’s leading robotics companies, will showcase its fully autonomous cleaning robots, designed for industrial and commercial spaces.

Avidbots (Booth C3871), one of the world’s leading robotics companies, will showcase its fully autonomous cleaning robots, designed for industrial and commercial spaces.

“Our groundbreaking robots allow organizations to simplify their cleaning process, becoming more efficient, productive, and cost effective,” said Mark
Stoll, CRO, at Avidbots. “Thanks to breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, machine learning, sensors, and more, our robots blend seamlessly into a
variety of dynamic environments. Whether you’re a retailer looking for a solution to clean both your warehouse and store or a distribution center,
manufacturing plant, educational institution, or transit station, Avidbots offers flexible cleaning options.”

Warehouses and manufacturers present unique and challenging environments for robots, given floor debris, dynamic activity, and frequent
layout changes. In collaboration with industrial customers, Avidbots developed Neo 2W to alleviate these common issues, resulting in a more
consistent clean with less downtime and unnecessary human intervention.

Neo 2W increases cleaning efficiency, allowing companies to reallocate labor to other higher-value tasks. In addition, at Modex, Avidbots will preview Kas, a fully autonomous floor scrubbing robot that is designed to work in commercial spaces with narrow aisles and where tighter turns and the ability to work around people are required. It provides cleaning in tight spaces and a high-performance safety system. Kas will come to market in summer of 2024.

Kas will be the newest member in the Avidbots family of robots. This expansion in the Avidbots product line will bring cleaning productivity to
spaces of more sizes. The complete product line – Neo, Neo 2W and Kas – can be deployed together in a variety of dynamic environments to maximize productivity, quality, and consistency of floor cleaning. Avidbots technology simplifies the entire cleaning experience, unifying an entire fleet under one user-friendly software solution with comprehensive service and support as standard.

Check out Modern's complete editorial coverage of Modex 2024, March 11-14. Modern is the official producer of the event's Show Daily. Modex 2024 was held at The Georgia World Congress Center from March 11-14, 2024. The tradeshow showcases the latest manufacturing, distribution and supply chain solutions in the materials handling and logistics industry.

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