
Tompkins Robotics: PickPal Series of Pick Assist (PA) AMRs

Tompkins Robotics, a business unit of Tompkins International, is focused on the robotic automation of distribution operations. Our primary system t-Sort consist of autonomous mobile robots that sort a wide range of items and...
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These AMRs can be quickly implemented in existing operations with low implementation costs and a low cost of ownership. They can also be integrated with other technologies to increase efficiency.

The PickPal series of pick assist AMRs can carry a variety of orders and is offered in two models: the standard PickPal and the PickPal+. The PickPal can carry up to 132 pounds of orders, while the PickPal+ can handle up to 220 pounds. These AMRs can be quickly implemented in existing operations with low implementation costs and a low cost of ownership. They can also be integrated with other technologies to increase efficiency.

Global distribution and fulfillment companies are constantly changing due to fluctuations in product supply, customer demand and the challenges of labor shortages and efficiency. Automation solutions are needed to improve productivity and performance. PickPal pick assist AMR is the perfect example of using technology to increase productivity. PickPal helps eliminate time-consuming manual order picking.

With PickPal, companies will increase worker productivity by 200 to 300 percent, improve picking efficiency by reducing picking errors, and optimize order grouping with well-organized pick path routing. In conjunction with our tSort products, PickPal will enable companies to reduce training costs, the number of picking staff, and solve the complications of handling numerous SKUs and large delivery volumes.

As volumes increase over time or for peak, more PickPal AMRs can be added to a site creating a modular, scalable solution that grows with your business. At greater volumes, PickPal can be modified to switch to batch pick mode and deliver a wave or batch of items to a downstream tSort sortation system.

Tompkins Robotics PickPal allows for rapid deployment and speed of implementation. Our low cost RaaS offering allows operational savings to pay for a robotic automated solution with payback of less than 6 months.

Key Product Features:

  1. Efficiency-

    • Increase Worker Productivity 2 to 3 times by workers walking less, the AMR carrying more items to fulfill more orders, reducing picking errors, generating faster order picking, solving the complications of handling numerous SKUs, and processing large delivery volumes.

    • Multi-modal picking: discrete, single and multi unit and line orders for B2B and D2C;

    • Shorten employees’ walking distances by optimizing order grouping for efficient pick path routing. Typically, 30-50% of time spent for picking labor is spent on walking .

    • Improved Management with Real Time Views and Controls of Warehouse and Robot Activities

    • Seamlessly Connect with Many Different WMS Systems to Quickly Implement a robust Order Demand Solution

    • Streamline Multi-Channel and Multi-Client Operations

  2. Flexible & Scalable-

    • AMRs are easy to expand, reconfigure, or even relocate

    • Adjust number of robots per demand as required for seasonal peak

    • Cater for different item size and shape, handling a broader range of products

  3. Maximize Warehouse Capacity-

    • Increased speed to fulfill orders thus improving SLA’s

    • Reduce inventory holding times

    • Minimize potential backlogs