
Swisslog: Micro-Fulfillment Centers Solutions

Swisslog delivers data-driven & robotic solutions for your logistics automation alongside reliable, modular service concepts. Collaborating with forward-thinking companies, we are committed to setting new standards in warehouse automation to provide future-proof products and solutions. As part of the KUKA Group, our customers trust the competence of our passionate employees – more than 14,000 people working across the globe.
161 Enterprise Drive
Newport News, Virginia, 45040
United States
Swisslog Company Profile

Automated micro-fulfillment centers offer compactness

Automated micro-fulfillment centers offer compactness

Developed for use as comprehensive omni-channel supply chain solutions, automated micro-fulfillment centers enable fulfillment to be offered to consumers on a much closer basis. Considered straightforward and compact last-mile delivery solutions, the automated micro-fulfillment centers can be placed virtually anywhere, including areas where real estate space is costly and restricted.

Whether or not organizations have brick-and-mortar footprints within particular areas, they can move their fulfillment closer to customers, decreasing transportation costs and enabling shorter delivery times.

Organizations have various options as they strive to expand fulfillment capacity—by either building micro-fulfillment centers as stand-alone facilities, building them within existing locations or bolting them on to existing locations. For successful, individualistic, automated micro-fulfillment center development, various automation technologies and solutions are available.

Company Product Description

Ongoing shifts in the retail landscape driven by e-commerce, along with changing customer demands and expectations, are creating increased need for fast, efficient hyper local fulfillment.

Automated micro-fulfillment centers allow companies with or without a brick-and-mortar footprint within a particular area to move fulfillment closer to customers in order to reduce transportation costs and enable shorter delivery times. Companies can build a micro-fulfillment center as a standalone facility, or inside or bolted on to an existing location, to expand fulfillment capacity.

Streamline the supply chain to customer flow, while maintaining a seamless and uninterrupted customer experience around online fulfillment. Increase fulfillment capacity as demand rises and your business grows.

A flexible, data-driven and robotic solution that won’t become obsolete as the market changes allows you to leverage new technologies as they emerge. You can optimize the center by efficiently integrating automated and manual picking.