
C&H Distributors launches new Web site

Company responds to customer requests with new website platform and design.

Company responds to customer requests with new website platform and design.

When C&H Distributors opened its doors 75 years ago, there were no computers, let alone an Internet. The company, a leading provider of materials handling and storage solutions for businesses across the U.S., based its marketing efforts on listening and responding to the needs and wants of its customers. These days, their website is the conduit for an avalanche of online orders.

C&H Distributors has officially announced the launch of the revamped web site.

“Our customers have been very loyal over the years,” said Melissa Bagley, C&H director of eCommerce. “We want to make it as easy as possible for them to find the products or answers they need when purchasing industrial supplies and equipment for their facility. In response to their feedback, we’ve redesigned and re-platformed the entire site to create a more visual and helpful experience—a monumental undertaking when you consider that we offer more than 50,000 products.”

The new customer experience includes:
  —Improved organization and navigation
  —Improved visuals to easily identify product types and view selected products
  —Zoom capabilities for a closer look at selected products
  —Product comparison capabilities to easily see differences between products
  —Product reviews for users to share their experience regarding products they’ve purchased
  —Enhancements to My Account enabling registered users to create and store addresses, view orders and store shopping lists
  —Online purchasing capabilities for GSA customers

The newly redesigned site has been available in a “beta” period to initial users for several weeks and has received tremendous positive feedback. “We’re excited about the response,” Bagley said. “This is just the first step, the foundation to an enhanced experience for current and future customers. We plan to build on this foundation to bring about further features and improvements, and greater benefits for our customers.”